Friday, May 25, 2012


1. Think of at least 3 benefits of using speeches by famous figures, in the classroom.
a) Speeches by famous figures usually more easier attract audiences attention because of his name.
b) They tend to have a persuasive characteristic in their speeches.
c) Their speeches usually have a lot of information and logical statements.

2. Go to and find the audio-visual on the speech.  In not less than 50 words, state would the audio-visual be of any use in helping understand the speech better?  State your reasons.

This speech by Martin Luther is very inspiring.  He able to inspire the whole nation at that time to demostrate.  His clear pronunciation attracts the listeners and enchance understanding.  Besides that, in his speech he emphasize the important points by repeating it a few times following by explanation and facts.  Repetition helps listener to fosilize the important points of the speech in their memory.  The listeners loves his speech because the contains of the speech is related to the listeners.

3. Who is Martin Luther?

He is a pastor of the Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama in 1954.  He always a strong worker for civil rights for his race, who was a member of the executive committee of the National Association for the Advancement of Coloured People. 

4. Based on the questions below, analyse the features of the given written speech:
a) What is the purpose of the speech?

The purpose of the speech is to fight oppression and unequality of the blacks.

b) What is the tone of the speech?

He is using a energetic and strong tone to persude the listeners.

c) What interesting major feature(s) can you see from the speech?

The interesting feature in his speech repetition.  He repeated the theme to emphasise the main purpose of the speech.  Besides that, he remains his voice strong and loud to prove his spirit and seriousness in his speech.

d) Any interesting facts that you can gather based on the background of the speech?

Yes.  A loud applause from the listeners and cheering to show his speech effectiveness.

5. Sugesst a while-reading activity that can be derived from this particular speech.

Play the audio-visual once.  Then, ask students to find the repeatition words in the speech. Play the audio-visual for the second time. Ask the students to list out the repeated words in the speech.  Teacher asks students to think what are the purposes of the repetition.  Teacher lists out the students answers on the board.


persistent, persevering, defiant and courages,
helping him enduring all the hardships,
loves peaceful and equality,
hates oppression and marginalization,
dreaming of ending apartheid in South Africa,
residen of Africa,
That is Mendela.


Do we have a canon for Malaysian literary works?  Let's say we do, who do you think are in it?  Consider the fact that their works are well-known and most impoartantly included as part of the school syllabus - (both in BM and Englsih).

1. Kamaluddin Muhamad (Keris Mas)
2. Dato' Shahnon Ahmad
3. Datuk Dr. Usman Awang
4. Datuk A. Samad Said
5. Muhammad Dahlan bin Abdul Biang (Arena Wati)
6. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Haji Salleh
7. Datuk Noordin Hasan
8. Datuk Abdullah Hussein
9. S. Othman Kelantan
10. Dr. Anwar Ridwan

The poem by Erica Jong raises some feminist issues.  What are they?

1. Her boldness in sexual desire
2. Gender equality

Is Hillary Tham's poem more suitable?

Hilary Tham is a local writer.  Her writings suitable for students to appreciate because the elements she is using are related to our students environment.  Such as Mrs. Wei & ancestor worship and Becoming a woman.  These poems words are easy and more suitable for students.

The short tale from the Native American group is about a girl who is unsatisfied with her life.  How is this a universal experience? Can it teach out students anything?

Yes, this is a universal experience.  Teenagers nowadays provided with the best from their parents but they still think they lack of facilities.  They always compare with others and complaint about what others have and they don't have.  This story can teach students the consequences of being ungrateful.

From your findings about his background, tell me about the dillema he conveys through the poem CROSS.

His father is a white man and his mother is a black woman.  He confuses where he should be when he died because his father died in a houe but his mother died in a shack.

I find "Dinner Guest : Me" laden with irony and sarcasm.  Brieftly state if you feel the same.

Yes.  The white folks put on a polite and happy faces through the dinner but Langston could feels the tension because his skin colour.  His skin colour has been the attention of that evening.  The irony is although the Americans have implemented democratic for a very long time but they still bias in terms of colours and races.

The experience in the poem Harlem is one that is true for many people.  Do you agree?

Yes, especially the lower-class.  His poem portraying the oppression of the marginlised and lower-class.

Langston Hughes fights for the voice of his people.  What is the movement called?

The Negritude movement

Thursday, May 24, 2012


A Folktales

1. List some of the well-known folkstales from Malaysia.
    a) PaddyThat Turns To Gold
    b) The Cursed Princess
    c) The Curse of Batu gajah.

2. List some of the possible issues found in The Son of the Turtle Spirit.
    a) Women are naivety in the aspect of sex.
    b) Women are marginalised if having a baby without a husband.

3. Are those issues universal in nature or are they only relevant in the Chinese culture?
Those issues are universal and they are happening around the world but with the determination and courage of women nowadays, women are being more respected by the world.  But there are still some country still marginalised and oppressing their women.


4. What are the other morals that can be gotten from the other fables by Aesop? List at least two.
    a) Appearances often are deceiving
    b) Familiarity breeds contempts
    c) One person's meat is another's poison.


5. One well-known literary figure from the Elizabethan age used Ovid's Pyramus and Thisbe as a model to one of his famous plays.  Who is he and what is the play?
He is William Shakespeare.  The story is about two persons so much in love but their love are forbidden  by their parents.


List some of the popular legends we have in Malaysia?
    a) Hang Tuah
    b) Legends of Mahsuri

1. Who is Thomas Malory?
He is the author of Le Morte d'Arthur.  He lived at Newbold Revell in Warwickshire, England.  He served in France under the earl of Warwick and was a Lancastrian during the wars of the Roses. 

2. When was the Le Mort d'Arthur written?
Completed in 1469.

3. How many books/parts are there in LMDA?
8 books.

4. What is book 8 about?
The adventure of Tristram : his birth, coming of age and slaying of Marhaus.  King Mark's marriage to La Beala Iseult in Cornwall and Tristram's marriage to Iseult la Blanche Mains in Brittany.  His rivalry with Palomides for the love of Iseult, and his friendship with Lamorak on the Isle of Servage.

5. Who were two people having affair?
Queen Guinevere and Sir Lancelot were having an affair.

6. Book 6 has a strong connection to a popular modern fiction which is now a movie.  What is the title of the popular modern fiction?
The tale of the Holy Grail

7. State three well-known facts King Arthur/his time as a King.
a) The birth and rise of Arthur and the story of the Sword in the Stome called Excaliber and his teacher and mentor Merlin the magician.
b) His role as King of England and the marrige of King Arthur to Guinevere
c) The Quest of the Holy Grail.


Think of 2 ways in which you can use folktales/fables/myths or legends in the classroom.  Explain brieftly.

1) Read the story with the students but don't show the ending.  Ask students to predict the ending.
2) Read the half of the story.  Then, give two choices to the students.  Ask them to choose one of the choices given and then reveal the ending to the students.  Let the students know what is the consequences for their choice.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Quotes from "The Andy Warhol Diaries"

From Andy Warhol's diary shows he is a man with witty character.  Although he seems to complain nearly everything, but he still manages to write in a way that makes everyone smile.

His entries showing he is not the sociable type.  He seems to complaining about how the social is behaving.  Almost every entry he critised with sarcastic tone.  For example entry on Wednesday, August 23, 1978.  He criticising how Bruce Springsteen complaint about his picture taken.  Even though Bruce Springsteen is a famous person, Andy does not put special attention towards Bruce.  For Andy, he just do whatever he wants.

Nelson Mandela

Mandela's perseverance really amazed me.  No matter how difficult his hardship, he never gives up.  Even transferring from one cell to another cell need a lot of time to make adjustment.  But he still manages to be leader to strike for unfair treatment by the authorities.

His faithfuness towards his comrades is also unbeatable.  He doesn't take his privilege teatment from the authorities as his own success.  He always remembers his comrades sacrifice with him.  Whatever he achieved, he remembers to share with his comrades.

Mendala fights for racial equality all his life.  He despises oppression.  He never learnt the word 'quit' .  Even he put into life sentence, he still fighting for equal right in the cell.

Poem by Langston Hughes - Cross

Langston Hughes is the son of a black woman and a white man.  He never accepted by his father's family because his mother is a black woman. At that period, negro is still in the lower class of the society.  They did not have any rights.

He is writing about his dilemma because he has no proper place to be buried.  His father died in a big house but his mother died in a shack house.  He wondering where will he be buried when he died because he is half black , half white.

He speaks about his emotion confusion towards his parents.  Although he hates his parents but he still loves them.  He lives in a confused world, where he lost in 'black or white world' and 'hate or love world'.