Monday, April 9, 2012

Quotes from "The Andy Warhol Diaries"

From Andy Warhol's diary shows he is a man with witty character.  Although he seems to complain nearly everything, but he still manages to write in a way that makes everyone smile.

His entries showing he is not the sociable type.  He seems to complaining about how the social is behaving.  Almost every entry he critised with sarcastic tone.  For example entry on Wednesday, August 23, 1978.  He criticising how Bruce Springsteen complaint about his picture taken.  Even though Bruce Springsteen is a famous person, Andy does not put special attention towards Bruce.  For Andy, he just do whatever he wants.

Nelson Mandela

Mandela's perseverance really amazed me.  No matter how difficult his hardship, he never gives up.  Even transferring from one cell to another cell need a lot of time to make adjustment.  But he still manages to be leader to strike for unfair treatment by the authorities.

His faithfuness towards his comrades is also unbeatable.  He doesn't take his privilege teatment from the authorities as his own success.  He always remembers his comrades sacrifice with him.  Whatever he achieved, he remembers to share with his comrades.

Mendala fights for racial equality all his life.  He despises oppression.  He never learnt the word 'quit' .  Even he put into life sentence, he still fighting for equal right in the cell.

Poem by Langston Hughes - Cross

Langston Hughes is the son of a black woman and a white man.  He never accepted by his father's family because his mother is a black woman. At that period, negro is still in the lower class of the society.  They did not have any rights.

He is writing about his dilemma because he has no proper place to be buried.  His father died in a big house but his mother died in a shack house.  He wondering where will he be buried when he died because he is half black , half white.

He speaks about his emotion confusion towards his parents.  Although he hates his parents but he still loves them.  He lives in a confused world, where he lost in 'black or white world' and 'hate or love world'.

Iroquois : The Girl Who Was Not satisfied With Simple Things

In the story, the girl finds herself to good for anyone.  Her mother helps her to find many good and descent men, but she rejects.

Her pride gives her a big problem.  When a very handsome young worrior comes to propose, without further consideration and ignores her mother's advice, she accepts the worrior's proposal.

Her stubbornness pay off, when she finds out that her husband is not an human but serpent disguised in human form.  She is so regret because does not listen to her mother.

Her stubborness despite ruined her but also helped her.  She doesn't want to be defeated.  With Heno's help, she runs away as fast as she can.  Finally she manages to escape from those serpents.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Becoming A Woman by Hilary Tham

When I was twelve, my mother initiated me
into the mysteries of becoming a woman
with a pound of rice-paper, the unadvertised
kind made from stalks and leaves, the stubble
after the harvest.

She taught me the art of crumpling,
stretching, folding the sheafs into
a likeness of Modess-factory-rejects.

               "You will bleed
at a special time of the moon."
she told me.  "use these
to reserve modesty and the secret
of your femaleness."

Her mother's way she passed to me
with the few words she had received
at her initiation.

Each full moon I cursed the tides
within my body.  I abandoned
tradition's rice-paper.

I have forgiven the moon since
our children came, spores of sunrise
in their newborn hands.

This poem is suitable for seondary school especially for teenager.  Even primary school year 9 to 12 suitable to appreciate this poem.

"Becoming A Woman" by Hilary Tham depicting a girl dilemma in her journey to become a woman.  At this period girls usually feel anxious and curious about her physical change.  From this poem, girls able to experience that it happens to every girl and they should appreciate what God had created for them.

As boys, the poem able togive them opportunity ti appreciate sacrifice of a woman, especially their mother.  Without their mother 'bleed every full moon' they wouldn't exist in this world.  And they should understand that how every mother thankful to the 'bleed of each month' when they holding their own children.

Poems by Erica Jong

For My Husband

Erica Jong's poem, "For My Husband" just as her many other works, is lustful and provocative.

In her poem, "For My Husband", she potrayed herself unfaithfulness towards her husband.  Even though she married, she still thinking of other man while her husband besides her.  This showed in line 'I have taken other men into my thoughts'.

She also a men hunter.  From the poem, she thinks of men from all parts, which she attracted.  Each man has his own attractiveness.  She loves to appreciate each man uniqueness. This showed from the line 'I have taken other men into my thoughts since i met you.'

Thus, she doesn't feel bond with marriage.  She still able to do what she desire but stayed in her marriage.

Her boldness of view showed that a woman has the same ability to appreciate other gender as men always do.